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Dungeons and Downloads: Collecting Tabletop Fantasy Role-Playing Games in the Age of Downloadable PDFs
Collection Building
  • Dan Sich, University of Western Ontario
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Purpose – This paper aims to provide libraries with collections advice regarding fantasy role-playing games.

Design/methodology/approach – Current and emerging publication and sales models of pencil and paper, tabletop fantasy role-playing games are explored. Details of print, print-on-demand, free and purchasable downloads, and subscription-based options for major fantasy role-playing games and alternatives are provided.

Findings – Many options are available to libraries wishing to provide support for fantasy role-playing game programming. While an overwhelming quantity of publications are often available for purchase, usually only a bare minimum is required to run a role-playing game. Free or modestly priced options are available for libraries on a shoestring budget. Libraries interested in supporting fantasy role-playing game programming with collections need not spend much. Spending less on collections requires a greater amount of imagination, socializing, creativity, collaboration and literacy on the part of program participants.

Originality/value – Many libraries are interested in supporting fantasy role-playing games with collections, but do not know where to start. While much is being written about gaming in libraries, little has been written to help libraries navigate current role-playing game book publication and sales models.

Citation Information
Dan Sich, (2012) "Dungeons and downloads: collecting tabletop fantasy role-playing games in the age of downloadable PDFs", Collection Building, Vol. 31 Iss: 2, pp.60 - 65