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Flor Revisited (Again): eQTL and Mutational Analysis of NB-LRR Mediated Immunity to Powdery Mildew in Barley
Journal of Integrative Agriculture
  • Roger P. Wise, United States Department of Agriculture
  • Priyanka Surana, Iowa State University
  • Gregory S. Fuerst, Iowa State University
  • Ruo Xu, Iowa State University
  • Divya Mistry, Iowa State University
  • Julie A. Dickerson, Iowa State University
  • Dan Nettleton, Dr., Iowa State University
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Publication Version
Published Version
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Genes encoding early signaling events in pathogen defense often are identified only by their phenotype. Such genes involved in barley-powdery mildew interactions include Mla, specifying race-specific resistance; Rar1 (Required for Mla12-specified resistance1), and Rom1 (Restoration of Mla-specified resistance1). The HSP90-SGT1-RAR1 complex appears to function as chaperone in MLA-specified resistance, however, much remains to be discovered regarding the precise signaling underlying plant immunity. Genetic analyses of fast-neutron mutants derived from CI 16151 (Mla6) uncovered a novel locus, designated Rar3 (Required for Mla6-specified resistance3). Rar3 segregates independent of Mla6 and Rar1, and rar3 mutants are susceptible to Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) isolate 5874 (AVRa6), whereas, wild-type progenitor plants are resistant. Comparative expression analyses of the rar3 mutant vs. its wild-type progenitor were conducted via Barley1 GeneChip and GAIIx paired-end RNA-Seq. Whereas Rar1 affects transcription of relatively few genes; Rar3 appears to influence thousands, notably in genes controlling ATP binding, catalytic activity, transcription, and phosphorylation; possibly membrane bound or in the nucleus. eQTL analysis of a segregating doubled haploid population identified over two-thousand genes as being regulated by Mla (q value/FDR=0.00001), a subset of which are significant in Rar3 interactions. The intersection of datasets derived from mla-loss-of-function mutants, Mla-associated eQTL, and rar3-mediated transcriptome reprogramming are narrowing the focus on essential genes required for Mla-specified immunity.


This article is from Journal of Integrative Agriculture 13 (2014): 237, doi:10.1016/S2095-3119(13)60651-6.

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Citation Information
Roger P. Wise, Priyanka Surana, Gregory S. Fuerst, Ruo Xu, et al.. "Flor Revisited (Again): eQTL and Mutational Analysis of NB-LRR Mediated Immunity to Powdery Mildew in Barley" Journal of Integrative Agriculture Vol. 13 Iss. 2 (2014) p. 237 - 243
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