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Providence College Library + Commons: A Case Study
Journal of Library Administration (2010)
  • D. Russell Bailey, Providence College

Adapting concepts and experience from Information and Learning Commons, Providence College (PC) has developed a somewhat different model—organic (i.e., based on local library and institutional culture, needs, change-readiness; emerging in increments as opportunities arise, at a pace, at costs, and to degrees apropos institutional resources), hybrid (i.e., a seamless blend of services and resources, of new and high-tech with traditional and high-touch), and infused (i.e., the blend of services and resources is pushed out explicitly or implicitly into, and distributed among, all aspects of the physical and virtual library). PC’s Library+Commons incorporates resources and characteristics of Information and Learning Commons distributed throughout the entire library.

Publication Date
January, 2010
Citation Information
D. Russell Bailey. "Providence College Library + Commons: A Case Study" Journal of Library Administration Vol. 50 Iss. 2 (2010)
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