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Family Perceptions of Student Centered Planning and IEP Meetings
Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities (2005)
  • Amy L. Childre
  • Cynthia R. Chambers
Given the documented benefits of family involvement in educational planning, engaging familiesthroughout the school years is strongly advocated. However, barriers continue to impede families fromcollaborative partnering in educational planning. In this qualitative study the perceptions of six families wereexamined prior to and after the implementation of a student centered individualized education program (IEP)planning tool. Findings revealed barriers within traditional planning that relegate families to passive roles anda family preference for the student centered approach to IEP planning. The student centered approach resultedin increased family satisfaction, more collaborative participation by all IEP team members, and broaderconsideration of family and student input with respect to future desired outcomes as a basis for goaldevelopment.

  • family perceptions,
  • student centered planning
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
© Division on Developmental Disabilities. This document was published with permission by the journal. It was originally published in the Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities.
Citation Information
Amy L. Childre and Cynthia R. Chambers. "Family Perceptions of Student Centered Planning and IEP Meetings" Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities Vol. 4 Iss. 3 (2005) p. 217 - 223
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