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Inside ALA's Emerging Leaders Program: How GLA Can Help You Get Involved
University Library Faculty Publications
  • Sarah King Steiner, Georgia State University
  • Crystal Renfro
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The article presents information on the structure, content, goals and future of the Emerging Leaders program of the American Library Association (ALA). Library professionals are expected to participate in a year-long program that will build their burgeoning professional skills and help them to become more involved with the association. Participants of the programs are instructed in leadership, distance collaboration and the general structure of the ALA. The program is intended to have positive results for both participating librarians and the professional at large.


This article was orignall published in the open access journal Georgia Library Quarterly and is reposted here with the permission of the author.

Citation Information
Steiner, S. K., & Renfro, C. (2009). Inside ALA's emerging leaders program: How GLA can help you get involved. Georgia Library Quarterly, 46(1), 4-7. Available at: