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Undergraduate Programs in Information Science: A Survey of Requirements and Goals
Library Scholarship
  • Colin Koteles, College of DuPage
  • Caroline Haythornthwaite, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Numerous new undergraduate programs have appeared in the past few years that focus on theories and practices of information science and information technology. As the global reliance on networked, digital information continues to grow, we can expect such programs to be enduring and common features of college and university undergraduate curricula. As educators and administrators consider establishing their own information studies (IS) programs, many are asking what is an IS program, and how do your create one? We surveyed online information related to existing undergraduate IS programs in the United States and Canada. Using quantitative and qualitative data about these programs, we identify in this paper common characteristics that point to a unified identity for this emerging curriculum. At the same time, we find programs shape their own identity, creating their own niche within the programs as a whole. These findings help provide an objective starting point when attempting to define and create an undergraduate program.

Citation Information
Koteles, C., & Haythornthwaite, C. (2002, Spring). Undergraduate Programs in Information Science: A Survey of Requirements and Goals. Journal of Education for Library & Information Science, 43(2), 144.