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Staging the York Creation, and Fall of Lucifer
Theatre Survey
  • Clifford Davidson, Western Michigan University
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Publisher PDF
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The Creation, and Fall of Lucifer by the York Realist was intended to provide a spectacular opening for the Corpus Christi cycle, of which the city of York felt very proud in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Since the York Realist appears to have been particularly sensitive to the conditions of production, this opening play provides a useful focus for attention to the staging used in the York cycle. The internal evidence of the Realist's Creation, and Fall of Lucifer demonstrates that he was not writing a mere literary exercise, but kept in mind the specifics of stage production.

Published Citation
Clifford Davidson and Nona Mason (1976). Staging the York Creation, and Fall of Lucifer. Theatre Survey, 17, pp 162-178 doi:10.1017/S0040557400004282
Citation Information
Clifford Davidson. "Staging the York Creation, and Fall of Lucifer" Theatre Survey Vol. 17 Iss. 02 (1976) p. 162 - 178
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