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Immunobiology of malaria
Journal of the National Medical Association (1979)
  • Clarence Lee, Howard University
  • Yvonne Hogan
  • Georgiana Aboko-Cole
Malaria, the number one disease in the world, is caused by intracellular protozoans belonging to the Subphylum, Sporozoa; Suborder, Haemosphoridia; and Family, Plasmodiidae. The four classical organisms producing disease in man are Plasmodium vivax, P. falciparum, P. malariae, and P. ovale. Although malaria has been known to man for centuries, attempts are still being made to control and eliminate its devastating effects in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Current active interest in malarial immunology and immunopathology derives from two main facts: (1) that human malaria is still one of the chief health problems in a broad tropical and subtropical zone in which lie most of the developing countries; and (2) most of the seminal leads in basic immunology are being applied to malarial immunology, either directly in human patients, or using laboratory animals as test objects.This paper addresses the nature of malarial immunity and target organs in malarial pathology.
Publication Date
April, 1979
Citation Information
Clarence Lee, Yvonne Hogan and Georgiana Aboko-Cole. "Immunobiology of malaria" Journal of the National Medical Association Vol. 71 Iss. 4 (1979) p. 349 - 351
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