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Treatment Options for Hepatitis C and the Rationale for Low Response Rates in African Americans
Journal of the National Medical Association (2009)
  • Cheu Patricia Manka
  • Ralph Gomes
  • Rebecca Reviere
  • Clarence Lee, Howard University
Hepatitis C virus (HCV), the leading cause for liver transplantation, is emerging as1 of the infections that pose public health problems in the world since about 170 million people worldwide are infected with this virus. Inequality in addressing racial/ethnic disparities in treatment for hepatitis C is a pressing problem. HCV is more common among African Americans than among other racial groups in the United States. Although African Americans have been shown to have a lower rate of viral clearance and a higher rate of chronic hepatitis C, they may have at the same time a much lower rate of fibrosis progression compared to Caucasians. The purpose of this study is to summarize treatment options available for hepatitis C in African Americans and to describe the different mechanisms thought to be the reasons for the disparate response to treatment in African Americans.
Publication Date
June, 2009
Citation Information
Cheu Patricia Manka, Ralph Gomes, Rebecca Reviere and Clarence Lee. "Treatment Options for Hepatitis C and the Rationale for Low Response Rates in African Americans" Journal of the National Medical Association Vol. 101 Iss. 6 (2009) p. 604 - 608
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