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Unpublished Paper
Achebe's Igbo Poems: Oral Traditional Resources and the Process of ‘Deschooling’ in Modern African Poetics
Paper specially invited for Nigerian Literature Today, #3 (Special Edition Dedicated to Chinua Achebe’s 80th Birthday). (2010)
  • Chukwuma Azuonye, University of Massachusetts Boston

The present paper examines the diction, imagery and other features of language and style in Chinua Achebe's two Igbo poems ("Uno Onwu Okigbo" and "Akuko Kpulu Uwa Iru"). Disposing of charges of plagiarism levied on Achebe on account of his modeling of the poems on well-known Igbo folk songs, the paper argues that what is rather involved in the compositional process is a process of "deschooling" from the strictures of European or Eurocentric conventions of versification. It concludes that a process of "deschooling" of this kind is one way in which African writers can begin their journey back with undivided attention to the versification conventions of their own cultures.

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Citation Information
Chukwuma Azuonye. "Achebe's Igbo Poems: Oral Traditional Resources and the Process of ‘Deschooling’ in Modern African Poetics" Paper specially invited for Nigerian Literature Today, #3 (Special Edition Dedicated to Chinua Achebe’s 80th Birthday). (2010)
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