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Christopher Okigbo: The Critical Groundwork, 1962-2007, Edited with a Critical Introduction
  • Chukwuma Azuonye, University of Massachusetts Boston

This collection of essays covers the entire spectrum of Okigbo criticism from the earliest reviews of Heavensgate and the celebrated interviews of 1962-65 to criticism anticipating the 2007 international conference on the poetry and life of Africa’s leading transnational modernist poet of the 20th century, Christopher Okigbo (1930-1967). Divided into two parts, Part I presents biographical essays and essays offering general surveys of the Okigbo corpus or its themes from comparative and other perspectives while Part II offers focused studies of individual works from Four Canzones to Labyrinths and Path of Thunder. The collection concludes with the most comprehensive bibliography of Okigbo scholarship from 1962 to 2007. By far the most extensive companion in print to the study of Okigbo’s poetry, this book is without a doubt the first call in any study of Okigbo’s life and art. Currently in press.

Publication Date
Chukwuma Azuonye
Africa World Press / Red Sea Press, Inc.
Citation Information
Chukwuma Azuonye. Christopher Okigbo: The Critical Groundwork, 1962-2007, Edited with a Critical Introduction. Trenton, NJ(2011)
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