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Unpublished Paper
Smectic Liquid Crystals: Materials with One-Dimensional, Periodic Order
Geometriae Dedicata (2006)
  • Randall D. Kamien
  • Christian Santangelo

Smectic liquid crystals are materials formed by stacking deformable, fluid layers. Although smectics prefer to have flat, uniformly-spaced layers, boundary conditions can impose curvature on the layers. Since the layer spacing and curvature are intertwined, the problem of finding minimal configurations for the layers becomes nontrivial. We discuss various topological and geometrical aspects of these materials and present recent progress on finding some exact layer configurations. We also exhibit connections to the study of certain embedded minimal surfaces and briefly summarize some important open problems.

Publication Date
June, 2006
Prepublished version downloaded from ArXiv. Published version is located at DOI: 10.1007/s10711-006-9075-y
Citation Information
Randall D. Kamien and Christian Santangelo. "Smectic Liquid Crystals: Materials with One-Dimensional, Periodic Order" Geometriae Dedicata (2006)
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