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Benefits of a comprehensive undergraduate teaching assistant program
PRIMUS (2003)
  • Christopher Goff, University of the Pacific
  • Brigitte Lahme, Sonoma State University
The Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) Program at the University of Arizona exposes students to many different aspects of teaching an undergraduate mathematics course. The program's breadth generates various qualitative and quantitative benefits. Some of these benefits are that the UTAs improve their mathematics and communications skills, instructors have additional support both inside and outside the classroom, and mathematics students in classes with UTAs enjoy their mathematics classes more than students in similar classes without UTAs.
  • undergraduate teaching assistants,
  • improving teaching,
  • qualitative and quantitative benefits
Publication Date
March 1, 2003
Citation Information
Christopher Goff and Brigitte Lahme. "Benefits of a comprehensive undergraduate teaching assistant program" PRIMUS Vol. 13 Iss. 1 (2003) p. 75 - 84 ISSN: 1051-1970
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