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Preparing Climate Leaders: One Syllabus at a Time
Presidential Summit on Climate Leadeship (Second Nature) (2014)
  • Madeleine K. Charney, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Poster presentation at the 2014 Presidential Summit on Climate Leadership which highlighted the Sustainability Curriculum Initiative, a library-funded faculty mini-grant program that provides support for teaching sustainability courses across a wide range of disciplines. The poster illustrated the partnership between faculty members and subject specialist librarians. Also available was the Library’s Sustainability Research Guide, curriculum-building material which integrate library resources, photographs, and a White Paper outlining the history of the program. The Summit, held in Boston October 1-2, 2014 and hosted by Second Nature, was designed by Presidents for Presidents and Sustainability Staff in higher education. The focus of the Summit was on climate mitigation, resiliency, and regional and national collaborations.

Publication Date
Fall October 1, 2014
Citation Information
Madeleine K. Charney. "Preparing Climate Leaders: One Syllabus at a Time" Presidential Summit on Climate Leadeship (Second Nature) (2014)
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