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Contribution to Book
Avoidant Personality Disorder, Traits, and Type
The Oxford Handbook for Personality Disorders (2012)
  • Charles A. Sanislow, Wesleyan University
  • Katelin da Cruz, Wesleyan University
  • May O. Gianoli, Wesleyan University
  • Elizabeth M. Reagan, Wesleyan University

In this chapter, the evolution of the avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) diagnosis, its current status, and future possibilities are reviewed. AVPD is a chronic and enduring condition involving a poor sense of self and anxiety in social situations, and it is marked by fears of rejection and a distant interpersonal stance. AVPD may be conceptualized at the severe end of a continuum of social anxiety. In the extreme, traits, mechanisms, and symptoms become integral to chronic dysfunction in personality and interpersonal style. While AVPD is a valid diagnostic construct, the optimal organization of AVPD criteria for the diagnosis, and the relationship of avoidant personality traits to anxiety, remain to be determined.

  • Avoidant,
  • DSM,
  • DSM-IV,
  • DSM-5,
  • ICD,
  • Personality Disorder,
  • Social Anxiety
Publication Date
April, 2012
T. A. Widiger
Oxford University Press
Citation Information
Sanislow, C. A., da Cruz, K., Gianoli, M. O., & Reagan, E. R. (2012). "Avoidant Personality Disorder, Traits, and Type" The Oxford Handbook for Personality Disorders. Ed. T. A. Widiger. New York: Oxford University Press (pp. 549-565).