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An exploratory study of the experiences of gay, lesbian, and bisexual fraternity and sorority members revisited
Oracle: The Research Journal of the Association of Fraternity Advisors (2005)
  • Douglas N Case, San Diego State University
  • Grahaeme A Hesp, Florida State University
  • Charles G Eberly, Eastern Illinois University

The lead author questioned over 500 self-identified gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) fraternity and sorority members to assess their reasons for joining; how their membership affected their sexual identity development and intimate relationships; the degree of homophobia and heterosexism encountered; how sexual orientation affected the quality of their fraternal experiences; and the level of acceptance or rejection they faced. Many respondents were in the early phases of sexual identity development at the time they joined, and most chose to conceal their sexual orientation from their fellow members. This study details the reactions from fellow members, assesses satisfaction with the fraternity or sorority experience, and reports the level of involvement of GLB students in their fraternities or sororities.

  • GLBT,
  • Fraternity,
  • Sorority
Publication Date
August, 2005
Citation Information
Douglas N Case, Grahaeme A Hesp and Charles G Eberly. "An exploratory study of the experiences of gay, lesbian, and bisexual fraternity and sorority members revisited" Oracle: The Research Journal of the Association of Fraternity Advisors Vol. 1 Iss. 1 (2005)
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