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Twelve tips for facilitating team-based learning
Biochemistry and Microbiology
  • Charles A. Gullo, Phd, Marshall University
  • Tam Cam Ha
  • Sandy Cook
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Background: Team-based learning (TBL) has become a more commonly recognized and implemented pedagogical approach in curricula of numerous disciplines. The desire to place more autonomy on the student and spend less in-class time delivering content has resulted in complete or partial adoption of this style of learning in many educational settings.

Aim: Provide faculty with tools that foster a well facilitated and interactive TBL learning environment.

Methods: We examined the published literature in the area of facilitation – specifically in TBL environments, and explored learning theories associated with team learning and our own experiences to create these facilitation tips.

Results: We created 12 tips for TBL facilitation designed to assist faculty to achieve an effective and engaging TBL learning environment.

Conclusions: Applying these twelve tips while facilitating a TBL classroom session will help to ensure maximal participation and optimal learning in a safe yet stimulating environment.


The copy of record is available from Taylor & Francis Online at Copyright © 2015 Informa UK Ltd.

doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2014.1001729

Citation Information
Charles Gullo, Tam Cam Ha & Sandy Cook (2015) Twelve tips for facilitating team-based learning. Medical Teacher. 37:9, 819-824.