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Accountability by design in literacy professional development
Reading Teacher (2006)
  • Catherine A. Rosemary, John Carroll University
  • Patricia R. Grogan
  • Kathryn Kinnucan-Welsch

This article identifies the principles of high-quality professional development based on research and explores how the principles were used to examine the Literacy Specialist Project (LSP) in Ohio. It discusses how each principle was related to literacy professional development using examples from the LSP, reports data from the project about teacher and student learning, and presents implications and additional questions related to accountability systems for professional development.

Publication Date
February, 2006
Citation Information
Catherine A. Rosemary, Patricia R. Grogan and Kathryn Kinnucan-Welsch. "Accountability by design in literacy professional development" Reading Teacher Vol. 59 Iss. 5 (2006)
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