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Resolving a Cultural Conflict in the Classroom: An Exploration of Preservice Teachers' Perceptions of Effective Interventions
Journal of Negro Education (2010)
  • Catherine L Polydore, Eastern Illinois University
  • Kamau Oginga Siwatu, Texas Tech University
This study employed qualitative research methods to explore presservice teachers' thoughts about the effectiveness of interventions designed to resolve a cultural conflict involving an African American student. Ninety-five preservice teachers in the Southwest read a 300-word case study that was followed b y four experienced teachers' responses and their proposed culturally or non-culturally responsive interventions. Participants were asked to identify which of the four interventions were most and least effective and supplement their responses with an explanation. The results revealed that most preservice teachers were aware of the effectiveness of interventions that incorporated the student's culture into the teaching and learning process. A few preservice teachers however, questioned the effectiveness of interventions that "overemphasized the role of culture." The implications of these findings are discussed.
  • teacher education,
  • culturally responsive teaching,
  • teacher self-efficacy
Publication Date
Citation Information
Catherine L Polydore and Kamau Oginga Siwatu. "Resolving a Cultural Conflict in the Classroom: An Exploration of Preservice Teachers' Perceptions of Effective Interventions" Journal of Negro Education Vol. 79 Iss. 4 (2010)
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