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In the Aftermath of the Shutdown, Widespread Grassroots Support Means That the Tea Party is Far From Over
USAPP (2013)
  • Cas Mudde, University of Georgia

The Tea Party has taken much of the blame for the recent US government shutdown, with many commentators predicting that its influence is likely to be massively reduced. Cas Mudde argues that the Tea Party faction of the Republican Party is likely to continue; despite its likely diminishing funding from big business, it still enjoys a massive active base of support. The real challenge for the GOP in the lead up to the 2014 Congressional elections is to prove that it can be viable without the Tea Party.

  • US politics,
  • Tea Party,
  • GOP
Publication Date
October 20, 2013
Citation Information
Cas Mudde. "In the Aftermath of the Shutdown, Widespread Grassroots Support Means That the Tea Party is Far From Over" USAPP (2013)
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