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The War of Words: Defining the Extreme Right Party Family
West European Politics (1996)
  • Cas Mudde, DePauw University

This article presents an overview of the writings on the extreme right party family of the third wave (1980–95). First, the prime criterion for the classification of the party family is discussed. Second, the main critiques of, and alternatives to, the term right‐wing extremism are evaluated. Third, the political parties that are generally considered to be members of the party family are identified. Fourth, subgroups within the larger party family are examined. In the conclusion, the various writings are structured on the basis of four theoretical schools within the broader study of right‐wing extremism.

  • extreme right,
  • political parties,
  • Western Europe,
  • ideology,
  • party families
Publication Date
April, 1996
Citation Information
Cas Mudde. "The War of Words: Defining the Extreme Right Party Family" West European Politics Vol. 19 Iss. 2 (1996)
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