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Archetypal Energies, the Emergence of Obama as a Practical Idealist, and Global Transformation
AHP Perspective (2009)
  • carroy u ferguson, UMASS Boston
During this time of change, AHP and kindred spirits on the edge have important roles to play. We are the keepers and nurturers of a transformative and evolutionary Vision for Consciousness and a more humane world. At issue is what I will call the “psychic politics” for global transformation, nurtured by practical idealism and the Archetypal Energies. In other writings, I have described Archetypal Energies as Higher Vibrational Energies, operating deep within our individual and collective psyches, which have their own transcendent value, purpose, quality, and “voice”, unique to the individual. We experience them as “creative urges” to move us toward our Highest Good or Optimal Realities. I use easily recognized terms to evoke a common sense of these Higher Vibrational Energies (e.g., Love, Trust).
  • Consciousness; Empowerment; Politics; Perspectives; Paradigm; Emotions; Beliefs,
  • Psychology,
  • Sociology,
  • Philosophy,
  • Political Science,
  • International and Global Studies
Publication Date
Spring March, 2009
Citation Information
carroy u ferguson. "Archetypal Energies, the Emergence of Obama as a Practical Idealist, and Global Transformation" AHP Perspective (2009)
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