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Unpublished Paper
Response to Intervention at the Secondary Level: Identifying Students At Risk for High School Dropout
Boise State University Theses and Dissertations
  • Carrie Lisa Semmelroth, Boise State University
Publication Date
Date of Final Oral Examination (Defense)
Type of Culminating Activity
Degree Title
Master of Arts in Special Education
Special and Early Childhood Education
Major Advisor
Keith W. Allred, Ph.D.
Evelyn S. Johnson, Ed.D.
Roger A. Stewart, Ph.D.
Subject Categories
Using the basic premise of RTI, which is to identify those students at risk, in order to provide timely intervention, this study contributes to the development of a universal screening measure to identify high school at risk of drop out. This study was designed to apply the Early Warning System (EWS) tool developed by the National High School Center as a possible Tier 1 universal screening measure to identify students at risk as part of an RTI framework for the secondary school level. Freshmen data from one high school from the 2004-2005 school year was entered into the EWS tool and compared against the graduation outcomes for the eventual 2007-2008 senior class. Predictor and outcome variables were applied in a logistic regression statistical model and statistical significance was found for the “Quarter 2 absence” and “Core courses failed” predictor variables. Further research is needed in this area to deepen the understanding of building, implementing and maintaining RTI frameworks at the secondary level. Further research is also needed to define predictor variables unique to Idaho for students at risk for drop out.
Citation Information
Carrie Lisa Semmelroth. "Response to Intervention at the Secondary Level: Identifying Students At Risk for High School Dropout" (2009)
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