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Current Practice of Neonatal Resuscitation Documentation in North America: A Multi-Center Retrospective Chart Review
BMC Pediatrics
  • Matthew S. Braga, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
  • Prakash Kabbur, Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women and Children
  • Pradeep Alur, York Hospital
  • Michael H. Goodstein, York Hospital
  • Kari D. Roberts, University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital
  • Katie Satrom, University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital
  • Sandesh Shivananda, McMaster University
  • Ipsita Goswami, McMaster University
  • Mariann Pappagallo, University of Connecticut Health Center
  • Carrie-Ellen Briere, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Gautham Suresh, Baylor College of Medicine
Publication Date


To determine the comprehensiveness of neonatal resuscitation documentation and to determine the association of various patient, provider and institutional factors with completeness of neonatal documentation. Methods

Multi-center retrospective chart review of a sequential sample of very low birth weight infants born in 2013. The description of resuscitation in each infant’s record was evaluated for the presence of 29 Resuscitation Data Items and assigned a Number of items documented per record. Covariates associated with this Assessment were identified. Results

Charts of 263 infants were reviewed. The mean gestational age was 28.4 weeks, and the mean birth weight 1050 g. Of the infants, 69 % were singletons, and 74 % were delivered by Cesarean section. A mean of 13.2 (SD 3.5) of the 29 Resuscitation Data Items were registered for each birth. Items most frequently present were; review of obstetric history (98 %), Apgar scores (96 %), oxygen use (77 %), suctioning (71 %), and stimulation (62 %). In our model adjusted for measured covariates, the institution was significantly associated with documentation. Conclusions

Neonatal resuscitation documentation is not standardized and has significant variation. Variation in documentation was mostly dependent on institutional factors, not infant or provider characteristics. Understanding this variation may lead to efforts to standardize documentation of neonatal resuscitation.

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The only funding for this research was for statistical support that was provided by the Dartmouth Clinical and Translational Science Institute, under award number UL1TR001086 from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Citation Information
Matthew S. Braga, Prakash Kabbur, Pradeep Alur, Michael H. Goodstein, et al.. "Current Practice of Neonatal Resuscitation Documentation in North America: A Multi-Center Retrospective Chart Review" BMC Pediatrics (2015)
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