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Peer Facilitated Eating Disorder Prevention: A Randomized Effectiveness Trial of Cognitive Dissonance and Media Advocacy
Journal of Counseling Psychology
  • Carolyn Becker, Trinity University
  • Lisa M Smith, Trinity University
  • Anna C Ciao, Trinity University
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This study investigated the effectiveness of two interventions in reducing eating disorder risk factors under naturalistic conditions in sororities. Based on previous research, the campus sororities chose to implement a semi-mandatory, two-session eating disorder prevention program to all new sorority members (N=90) during sorority orientation. To facilitate evaluation, sororities agreed to random assignment of new members to either a cognitive dissonance or media advocacy intervention. Undergraduate peer facilitators ran the groups. Although both interventions had an effect, cognitive dissonance generally was superior at eight-month followup. Results further support the utility of cognitive dissonance in reducing eating disorder risk factors, and suggest that non-doctoral level leaders can deliver the program. Results also indicate that a semi-mandatory format does not reduce effectiveness.

American Psychological Association
Citation Information
Becker, C.B., Smith, L.M., & Ciao, A.C. (2006). Peer facilitated eating disorder prevention: A randomized effectiveness trial of cognitive dissonance and media advocacy. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53(4), 550-555. doi: 10.1037/0022-0167.53.4.550