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Incorporation of Future Building Operating Conditions into the Modeling of Building–Microclimate Interaction: A Feasibility Approach
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Conference Proceedings and Posters
  • Kelly Kalvelage, Iowa State University
  • Ulrike Passe, Iowa State University
  • Caroline Krejci, Iowa State University
  • Michael C. Dorneich, Iowa State University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Version
Accepted Manuscript
Link to Published Version
Publication Date
Conference Title
First International Symposium on Sustainable Human–Building Ecosystems
Conference Date
October 5-6, 2015
(40.44062479999999, -79.99588640000002)

This paper presents a novel modeling methodology that integrates the near building environmental conditions (or microclimate), whole-building design, and occupant behavior. Accurate predictions of the future building operating conditions lead to designs that serve the building’s purpose – to support occupants’ tasks. This study bridges the gap between human factors and architecture to include physical, cognitive, and organizational systems into building information modeling using future typical meteorological year climate data, canyon air temperature microclimate model, and a whole-building energy simulation to investigate the impact of future microclimate conditions on a “typical” single-occupant office. Additionally, to capture the effects of building occupant decision-making and adaptive behaviors, an agent-based model is proposed. Model inputs are task-based which aim to produce a more robust model to investigate a variety of human-building control interactions to ensure high building performance and occupant comfort and satisfaction.


This is a proceeding from the First International Symposium on Sustainable Human–Building Ecosystems (2015): 50, doi: 10.1061/9780784479681.016. Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
American Society of Civil Engineers
File Format
Citation Information
Kelly Kalvelage, Ulrike Passe, Caroline Krejci and Michael C. Dorneich. "Incorporation of Future Building Operating Conditions into the Modeling of Building–Microclimate Interaction: A Feasibility Approach" Pittsburgh, PA(2015) p. 150 - 158
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