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Client experiences of virtual energy healing: The future is now
Healing Beyond Borders (2022)
  • Carol Geisler
In this workshop presentation we report on a research study entitled Client Experiences of Virtual Energy Healing, a study that embraces the future and adapts to a changing world, “envisioning and creating pathways to a Future in which all beings are whole”.  During the COVID pandemic, many aspects of healthcare shifted to virtual appointments and online support, including energy healing.  As educators and practitioners, we recognized the potential of virtual energy healing grounded in quantum physics and developed a pilot research project to describe participants experiences of virtual energy healing. Fifteen female participants, with a mean age of 66 (range 41 - 82), received virtual energy healing sessions in their homes  from one of two experienced practitioners.  Participants rated their level of pain, relaxation, and wellbeing before and after the 30-minute session and answered open-ended questions in an online survey.  Levels of relaxation and wellbeing increased and pain decreased.   Participants reported positive experiences similar to in person energy healing..  Participants were invited to submit a visual representation of their experience as well.   From the qualitative data, several themes emerged:   Effects of virtual energy healing (embodied sensations, relaxation, release, sense of peace/joy/calm, connection to self/others/something larger), surprise that virtual energy healing works, and  that based on this experience, participants would seek out virtual energy healing session in the future.   Virtual energy healing shows potential for supporting health and wellbeing because of its effectiveness and accessibility.  For many people, stress levels and subsequent health issues are intensified even further by living in a culture of chronic systemic discrimination, socioeconomic hardship, ageism, and environmental racism.  Increased virtual accessibility may make energy healing more available to all.  Results suggest virtual energy healing shows promise.  
Publication Date
October, 2022
Citation Information
Carol Geisler. "Client experiences of virtual energy healing: The future is now" Healing Beyond Borders (2022)
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