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The Caregiver Role Identity Scale, A Validation Study
Research on Social Work Practice (2005)
  • Darcy Siebert, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/Piscataway
  • Carl Siebert, Boise State University

This article reports the validation of the Caregiver Role Identity Scale, designed to measure the prominence of helping professionals’identity as personal and professional caregivers. The authors developed the measure to test its application to burnout, depression, and professional impairment among social workers. Method: Data from a probability sample of 751 practicing social workers were collected in an anonymous survey about social workers’ health and work issues. The authors split the sample to conduct exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Results: The exploratory analysis demonstrated good internal consistency reliability, good content validity, and preliminary discriminant validity. The confirmatory analysis demonstrated excellent factorial validity for a revised scale, retaining reliability and demonstrating convergent validity. Caregiver role identity was related to burnout, depression, professional impairment, and not seeking help for personal problems. Conclusions: This scale may be a useful tool for early identification, prevention, and intervention strategies for impairment among social workers.

Publication Date
May, 2005
Citation Information
Siebert, D. C., & Siebert, C. F. (2005). The caregiver role identity scale: A validation study. Research on Social Work Practice, 15, 204-212.