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Session C-4: Design Your School’s New Innovation Space
Professional Learning Day
  • Britta W McKenna, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Lawrence Bergie, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Session Number
NOTE: This session is 2hr 15 min
Grade Level
Grade Levels: All
Start Date
4-3-2016 9:15 AM
End Date
4-3-2016 11:30 AM

Schools are rethinking learning spaces, turning outdated computer labs and tired libraries into vibrant innovation spaces. Maker spaces, collaboration areas and technology hubs that connect applied learning to the real world are emerging. See plans for IMSA's new innovation hub, called IN2, (opening fall 2016) learn how it was designed, and tour IN1 (the prototype of IN2) in a former computer lab. Learners are guided through a design thinking process to reimagine a current space at your school. Participants should come with photos of their potential space/s and room dimensions ready to create a prototype of their new space.

Citation Information
Britta W McKenna and Lawrence Bergie. "Session C-4: Design Your School’s New Innovation Space" (2016)
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