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The Organic Constitution: Aboriginal Peoples and the Evolution of Canada
Osgoode Hall Law Journal
  • Brian Slattery, Osgoode Hall Law School of York University
  • Constitutional law,
  • Indigenous peoples--Legal status, laws, etc.,
  • Canada
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Publication Date

Despite recent advances in the law of aboriginal rights, most Canadian lawyers still tacitly view the Constitution as the outgrowth of European legal traditions, transplanted into North America. This article identifies the main features of this model of the Constitution and proposes a more appropriate model to replace it, one that recognizes the Constitution's deep roots in Canadian history and traditions, and acknowledges the distinctive contributions of Aboriginal peoples and their long-standing relations with the Crown.

French Abstract
Malgré les avances récentes dans la loi des droits autochtones, la plupart des avocats canadiens continuent tacitement à considérer la Constitution comme le produit des traditions légales européennes, transplantées en Amérique du Nord. Cet article identifie les caractéristiques principales de ce modèle de la Constitution, et il propose un modèle plus approprié à le remplacer, qui reconnaît les racines profondes de la Constitution dans l'histoire et les traditions canadiennes, ainsi que les contributions distincitives des peuples autochtones et de leurs relations de longue date avec la Couronne.
Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0
Citation Information
Brian Slattery. "The Organic Constitution: Aboriginal Peoples and the Evolution of Canada" (1996) p. 101 - 112
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