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Czech Bluegrass in Play
Lide Města/Urban People
  • Lee Bidgood, East Tennessee State University
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Drawing from scholarship on play, ritual, and performance, I propose that Czech bluegrass thrives – as does my fieldwork – in a state of in-betweenness, in a territory that is between work, play, here and there, self and other. Being comfortable with this kind of in-between state is important for fieldwork, and for music-making – play, I find, is both a central activity and metaphor in both. The bluegrass play I discuss in this essay can become a response to the encroachment of Americanization in economic and cultural globalization, but also a way of being “Americanist” – and entirely Czech.


This document was published with permission from the editor. It was originally published in the Lide Města/Urban People.

Citation Information
Lee Bidgood. "Czech Bluegrass in Play" Lide Města/Urban People Vol. 17 Iss. 2 (2015) p. 283 - 303 ISSN: 1212-8112
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