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Unpublished Paper
Laplacian Growth and Diffusion Limited Aggregation: Different Universality Classes
  • Felipe Barra
  • Benny Davidovitch, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Anders Leverman
  • Itamar Procaccia

It had been conjectured that diffusion limited aggregates and Laplacian growth patterns (with small surface tension) are in the same universality class. Using iterated conformal maps we construct a oneparameter family of fractal growth patterns with a continuously varying fractal dimension. This family can be used to bound the dimension of Laplacian growth patterns from below. The bound value is higher than the dimension of diffusion limited aggregates, showing that the two problems belong to two different universality classes.

Publication Date
Pre-published version downloaded from archive ArXiv. Published version located at
Citation Information
Felipe Barra, Benny Davidovitch, Anders Leverman and Itamar Procaccia. "Laplacian Growth and Diffusion Limited Aggregation: Different Universality Classes" (2001)
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