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Thesis Poster: Increasing Awareness, Usage, and Knowledge of Digital, Local History Materials in Urban Public New Jersey Libraries with LibraryBoxen.
Thesis Poster Sessions: Stockton University 2016 (2016)
  • Benjamin H Saracco, Rowan University Libraries
Twenty-first century libraries are digitizing more of their historical collections in recent years than ever before. However, much of this content is not being served to the local populations due to lack of awareness as well as the absence of a platform to deliver this content locally. The first part of this study identified populations in New Jersey that are located in areas with a rich historical past and also serve patrons that utilize their local public libraries to access the internet. The second part of this project sought an instructional technology that could be used to increase awareness, usage, and knowledge of these digitized, historical materials. After surveying other similar projects the LibraryBoxen devices were chosen as the platform to achieve these goals. LibraryBoxen are built using open-source software and serve to distribute digital media files to any device with a web browser and WiFi- compatibility. After two urban New Jersey public libraries agreed to participate in this study, two LibraryBoxen were carefully built and loaded with various digitized, historical materials unique to each library’s location and local history. The LibraryBoxen and accompanying instructional materials were shipped out to each library and set up for public use for a period of three weeks, after which surveys and interviews were conducted to see if awareness, usage, and knowledge of the digital, local history materials increased. These surveys and interviews revealed that LibraryBoxen can be useful instructional tool for deploying and connecting the public with local history materials in urban public libraries.
  • New Jersey History,
  • Digital Preservation,
  • Jerseyana
Publication Date
April 27, 2016
New Jersey
Citation Information
Benjamin H Saracco. "Thesis Poster: Increasing Awareness, Usage, and Knowledge of Digital, Local History Materials in Urban Public New Jersey Libraries with LibraryBoxen." Thesis Poster Sessions: Stockton University 2016 (2016)
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