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Parametrization dependence of the energy-momentum tensor and the metric
Physical Review D (2007)
  • NEJ Bjerrum-Bohr
  • JF Donoghue
  • BR Holstein
We use results by Kirilin to comment that in general relativity the nonleading terms in the energy-momentum tensor of a particle depends on the parameterization of the gravitational field. The classical observables are parameterization independent after a change in coordinates. The quantum effects that emerge within the same calculation of the metric also depend on the parameterization and a full quantum calculation requires the inclusion of further diagrams. However, within a given parameterization the quantum effects calculated by us in a previous paper are well defined. Flaws of Kirilin’s proposed alternate metric definition are described and we explain why the diagrams that we calculated are the appropriate ones.
Publication Date
May 29, 2007
Publisher Statement
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Citation Information
NEJ Bjerrum-Bohr, JF Donoghue and BR Holstein. "Parametrization dependence of the energy-momentum tensor and the metric" Physical Review D Vol. 75 Iss. 10 (2007)
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