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Undergraduate student internships in natural resources at virginia 4-H educational centers
Natural Resources and Environmental Issues
  • Jeff Kirwan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Barry Fox, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Barry A Garst, Clemson University
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College of Natural Resources at Utah State University

Virginia has six 4-H educational centers that provide residential camping experiences for over 22,000 youth per year, the second largest 4-H camping program in the United States. These children may have many learning opportunities in the areas of natural resources and outdoor living skills. Beginning in 1995, the Chesapeake Bay Program in cooperation with the Virginia Division of Soil and Water Conservation provided funds for water quality instructors at each of the 4-H Centers. In 1998, the Virginia Forestry Educational Foundation began supporting a similar internship program for undergraduate students to serve as forestry instructors. Nearly 50 undergraduate students have now served as natural resource interns at the 4-H Centers. A description of the two internship programs, the process followed, and future directions are discussed.


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Citation Information
Kirwan, Jeff; Fox, Barry; and Garst, Barry (2002) "Undergraduate student internships in natural resources at virginia 4-H educational centers," Natural Resources and Environmental Issues: Vol. 9, Article 25.