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Postexercise insulin action in African-American women
Journal of the National Medical Association (2006)
  • Rebecca E. Hasson
  • Patty S. Freedson
  • Barry Braun, University of Massachusetts - Amherst

African Americans are more insulin resistant than Caucasians. A single bout of moderate-intensity exercise reduces insulin resistance in sedentary Caucasian individuals. The impact of a single bout of exercise on insulin resistance has never been studied in African Americans. The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the impact of a single bout of exercise on insulin resistance in African-American women. DESIGN: Insulin resistance was assessed in 10 sedentary, over-weight or obese African-American women during a sedentary and exercise condition over a two-day period. During the sedentary condition, participants fasted overnight and sat quietly in the laboratory for 75 minutes. During the exercise condition, participants completed 75 minutes of brisk walking on a treadmill. Ninety minutes following each condition, participants completed an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Three-and-a-half hours later, subjects consumed a standardized meal [meal tolerance test (MTT)]. RESULTS: The insulin response to the OGTT was 18% lower (p=0.046), and insulin sensitivity was 18% higher (p=0.042) in the exercise condition compared to the sedentary condition. There were no differences between conditions following the MTT. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that overweight/obese, sedentary, insulin resistant African-American women had a significant improvement in insulin sensitivity from 75 minutes of brisk walking.

Publication Date
November, 2006
Publisher Statement
Citation Information
Rebecca E. Hasson, Patty S. Freedson and Barry Braun. "Postexercise insulin action in African-American women" Journal of the National Medical Association Vol. 98 Iss. 11 (2006)
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