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Review of High Regard: Words and Pictures in Tribute to Susan Sontag
  • Barbara Ching, University of Memphis
Susan Sontag's death on December 28, 2004, was marked, unsurprisingly, by an immediate outpouring of thoughtful memoirs and obituaries. Turning from words to pictures, the surprising tributes came later: Annie Leibovitz's book, A Photographer's Life, 1990–2005, and last year's Metropolitan Museum of Art show, On Photography: A Tribute to Susan Sontag, which ran from June 6 to September 4, 2006. Leibovitz's book opens with a picture of Sontag, back to the camera, dwarfed by the rock walls of Petra but emerging into the white open space before the temple. Leibovitz explains that she came across the photograph while searching through her files for pictures to include in a booklet she was making for Sontag's memorial service. Encountering the pictures she had taken in their fifteen years together, Leibovitz ended up with a book in addition to the memorial booklet. Although the book follows the time line implied by the title, with her opening picture, Leibovitz breaks chronology for Sontag's sake. She justifies the exception by explaining that "the picture sounds the themes of death and grief that wind through the book," but it also captures Sontag's "appetite for experience."
Publication Date
March, 2007
Copyright 2007 Johns Hopkins University Press
Citation Information
Barbara Ching. "Review of High Regard: Words and Pictures in Tribute to Susan Sontag" (2007)
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