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Course Syllabus
LIS 623 Online Bibliographic Information Retrieval Syllabus (taught Spring 2008)----- University of North Carolina, Greenboro LIS program.
LIS 623 Online Bibliographic Information Retrieval (2008)
  • Barbara Tierney, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

LIS 623

 Online Bibliographic Information Retrieval




Barbara Tierney



Office/Voice Mail:



Office Hours:

By appointment at Atkins Library 114 H


Class Meeting Time:

Mondays 5:30 to 7:30


Class Meeting Place:

Fretwell 420; Some classes will meet in Atkins Library (Room 124 or 273) as indicated on Syllabus



Course Description:

A study of the principles and strategies involved in online bibliographic information retrieval and the presentation of that information to library patrons.


Course objectives:

By the completion of the course students will be able to:


  • Describe and evaluate the database structure for an online bibliographic database.

  • Understand and demonstrate how to pose an effective research question

  • Understand and demonstrate how to construct an effective search strategy

  • Understand and demonstrate how to use Boolean and text operators to effectively modify, narrow, or broaden a search strategy.

  • Develop an understanding of the methods for selecting, evaluating, and understanding online information sources.





The Oxford Guide to Library Research: How to Find Reliable Information Online and Offline by Thomas Mann.  3rd Edition.  OxfordUniversity Press, 2005.


Research and Documentation in the Electronic Age, by Diana Hacker.  4th Edition.  St. Martin’s, 2006.


Electronic resources:

Students are expected to access Blackboard, the Internet, NCLIVE, and databases available via either the UNCG Jackson Library or the UNCC J. Murrey Atkins Library.



All students will participate in class discussions of readings. Selected readings and in-class search problems/exercises will accompany most classes.


·          Each student will present an in-class oral analysis/demonstration/discussion of one of the databases provided on either the Jackson Library or J. Murrey Atkins Library Web Sites.  


The student must turn-in his on-line database selections (#1 preference and #2 preference) at the February 11 class.  At that time a classroom presentation date will be assigned.


·          There is also a final term research project, due by April 28 (please turn in at the next to the last class.)


Attendance policy:

Students are required to attend all class sessions. If attendance is not possible, students must inform the instructor prior to the session to be missed. In case of emergencies, the student must notify the instructor as soon as possible about the reason for the absence and make arrangements with the instructor to make up missed work.


Grading policy/Percentages:

·          Attendance and participation; in-class exercises (20% of final grade)

As part of attendance and participation, the student is required to take part in class discussions to contribute his experience or knowledge to the class. The extent to which the student participates will determine the grade for this requirement. Materials covered during class sessions will be of major importance in the course.


·          Read and React written articles:

Student will read an assigned article and then write a one paragraph reaction to that article which he will bring to class and use as a basis for his participation in class discussion.

A Database Evaluation sheet should be kept for each database evaluated by the Instructor or fellow students.

·          Student Notebook: 

Student will maintain a notebook collection containing:

All Database Evaluation sheets (including evaluations by the instructor and by fellow students)


All Read and React articles (including one-paragraph student-written reaction to article)


·          Midterm In-class exercise (10% of final grade)

Compile a bibliography of 5 scholarly peer-reviewed articles identified by using a subject appropriate online database. (Possible topics to be supplied by the Instructor at the beginning of the exam)


·          Classroom Database Analysis Presentation. (30% of final grade)

By the third class session, the student will select a database of particular interest to him.  During the semester, the student will investigate aspects of that database based on criteria presented during class.  During the last several weeks of class, the student will present his findings to the rest of the class in a 30-40-minute presentation.


·          Research Project. (40% of final grade)

Student will present a final research project on a topic discussed with and approved by the Instructor. All relevant teachings (including important aspects of the search techniques and databases studied during the course) should be used to produce the research project.  This research project is to be submitted at the April 28 class session [Word-processed, double-spaced, and proofread, please]. 



LIS Grading Scale:



Superior; exceeds course requirements; demonstrates the ability to: integrate concepts covered in class sessions and readings; think abstractly, logically, critically, and ethically about issues; analyze problems objectively, identify needs, set goals, and formulate original and creative solutions; and communicate clearly and concisely.



Good; meets course requirements; demonstrates the ability to: understand concepts covered in class sessions and readings; apply concepts to practical problems; and communicate clearly and concisely.



Weak; but acceptable on a limited basis for graduate credit.



Failure; does not meet course requirements.



Incomplete; indicates the inability, for reasons beyond his/her control, to complete course requirements by the end of the term in which the course is offered. (A grade of Incomplete is not encouraged, and is available only in consultation with the instructor).



Withdrawal; withdraws from the course within the time period specified by the University.



No Credit (for those who audit the course).


  • Online Databases
Publication Date
January, 2008
Citation Information
Barbara Tierney. "LIS 623 Online Bibliographic Information Retrieval Syllabus (taught Spring 2008)----- University of North Carolina, Greenboro LIS program." LIS 623 Online Bibliographic Information Retrieval (2008)
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