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FIT to Care: An Action Research Study Exploring the Use of Communication Theory to Strengthen Caring Relationships between Teachers and Students
International Journal for Human Caring (2014)
A caring-trusting relationship between teacher and student is foundational in caring educational environments. This relationship can be threatened when negative feedback to students is required. Instructional feedback based on feedback intervention theory (FIT) has been effective in communication studies. The purpose of this action research study was to explore the use of FIT-based communication techniques as a tool for nursing faculty to provide instructional feedback while protecting the caring-trusting relationship between teacher and student. Study participants reported positive changes in the instructional feedback communications with students that enabled a culture of caring to be maintained.
  • caring,
  • faculty-student relations,
  • feedback,
  • faculty nursing -- Oklahoma
Publication Date
July 1, 2014
Publisher Statement
First published in the International Journal for Human Caring.
Citation Information
Lake, P. K., Haas, B. K., & Matthews, M. L. (2014). FIT to Care: An Action Research Study Exploring the Use of Communication Theory to Strengthen Caring Relationships between Teachers and Students. International Journal for Human Caring, 18(3), 15–25.