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Identifying disparities in colorectal cancer screening rates in Milwaukee-based academic and non-academic clinics
Aurora Family Medicine Residents - Milwaukee
  • Jasmine Wiley, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Jonathan Blaza, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Wilhelm Lehmann, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Deborah Simpson, Advocate Aurora Health
  • Jeffrey Stearns, Advocate Aurora Health
  • S L Pischke, Advocate Aurora Health
  • T Greiten, Advocate Aurora Health
Publication Date
Presentation Notes
Poster presented at: Aurora Scientific Day; May 25, 2016; Milwaukee, WI.

Conclusion: The African American/Black race per the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention has the highest CRC death making early CRC screening an imperative. While the Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality ranks Aurora Health Care as 8th out of 20 systems in Wisconsin (77.6% Q3 2014-Q2 2015) local data analysis identified age as the largest disparity gap. Analyzing local population data REAL/Gender provides key insights into support initiatives to reduce health disparity gaps and further our progress toward achieving the Triple Aim for health care.

Document Type
Citation Information

Wiley J, Blaza J, Lehmann W, Simpson D, Stearns JA, Pischke SL, Greiten T. Identifying disparities in colorectal cancer screening rates in Milwaukee-based academic and non-academic clinics. Poster presented at: Aurora Scientific Day; May 25, 2016; Milwaukee, WI.