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What the heart remembers: The women and children of Darfur
Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America (2012)
  • Barbara Lewis, University of South Florida
  • Audrey Powers, University of South Florida

In 2009, the University of South Florida (USF) Libraries received from the organization Waging Peace a collection of materials which included transcripts of interviews with female genocide survivors and original children's drawings depicting the atrocities of genocide in Darfur. These materials are particularly significant in that they were used as evidence of genocide In Darfur in the International Criminal Court. The children's drawings have been digitized by USF and are an important element in the development of a web portal for the new Holocaust & Genocide Studies Center. These drawings also inspired the performance piece What the Heart Remembers: The Women and Children of Darfur staged by the USF Theatre and Dance Department. This article focuses on the library's acquisition and digitization of these materials, the ongoing efforts to develop a web presence, faculty outreach, and the multidisciplinary collaboration between the library and other USF departments in this project.

  • Archival materials,
  • Digitization,
  • Children & genocide,
  • Genocide,
  • Sudan,
  • Darfur Conflict
Publication Date
Spring 2012
Publisher Statement
Copyright 2012 by the Art Libraries Societies of North America. All rights reserved.
Citation Information
Barbara Lewis and Audrey Powers. "What the heart remembers: The women and children of Darfur" Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America Vol. 31 Iss. 1 (2012)
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