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John Dewey: His Role in Public Scholarship to Educate for Peace
Social and Education History
  • Audrey Cohan, Ed.D., Molloy College
  • Charles F. Howlett, Ph.D., Molloy College
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Publisher's Statement
This article was published by Hipatia Press.

As 2016 is the centennial of Dewey's most famous work, Democracy and Education (1916), it is important to consider Dewey's role in public scholarship to educate for peace. Critical to an in-depth understanding of Dewey is recognition that the early twentieth century marked a transformational period in his views about war and peace. This paper addressed Dewey’s less known political and social ideas during the rise of the “modern” American peace movement. In addition, Dewey’s views of the role of education in a globalizing world are discussed. The research presented directly reflects global conflicts following World War I, while highlighting the disparity between war and peace.

Citation Information
Audrey Cohan and Charles F. Howlett. "John Dewey: His Role in Public Scholarship to Educate for Peace" Social and Education History Vol. 5 Iss. 3 (2016)
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