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A method for computing Stokes flow interactions among spherical objects and its application to suspensions of drops and porous particles
Physics of Fluids (1994)
  • Ashok S. Sangani, Syracuse University
  • Guobiao Mo, Syracuse University
A method for computing Stokes flow interactions in suspensions of spherical objects is described in detail and applied to the suspensions of porous particles, drops, and bubbles to determine their hydrodynamic transport coefficients.
  • porous materials,
  • droplets,
  • suspensions,
  • spherical configuration,
  • bubbles,
  • transport theory,
  • creep,
  • permeability,
  • sedimentation,
  • viscosity,
  • multiphase flow
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Copyright 1994 Physics of Fluids. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and Physics of Fluids. The article may be found at
Citation Information
Ashok S. Sangani and Guobiao Mo. "A method for computing Stokes flow interactions among spherical objects and its application to suspensions of drops and porous particles" Physics of Fluids Vol. 6 Iss. 5 (1994)
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