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The Other and the Stranger in Biblical and Rabbinic Tradition
SIDIC (1992)
  • Rabbi Asher Finkel, Ph.D., Seton Hall University
This article examines the concepts of the "other" and the "stranger" in the Biblical and Rabbinic tradition.
  • stranger,
  • Psalm 8,
  • Psalm 89,
  • Ps 8,
  • Ps 89,
  • transpersonal,
  • interpersonal,
  • subpersonal,
  • intrapersonal,
  • Lev 18,
  • Leviticus 18,
  • Lev 19,
  • Leviticus 19,
  • Genesis 2,
  • Gen 2,
  • Deuteronomy 22,
  • Dt 22,
  • Psalm 34,
  • ps 34,
  • loving-kindness,
  • Psalm 145,
  • Ps 145,
  • Matt 22,
  • Matthew 22,
  • Noahide laws,
  • Hos 6,
  • Hosea 6,
  • Exodus 20,
  • Ex 20,
  • alien,
  • ger,
  • zar,
  • nokhri,
  • lovingkindness,
  • Mishnah Abhot,
  • Gen 18,
  • Genesis 18,
  • Beruriah,
  • Rabbi Meir,
  • ger-toshav,
  • God-fearer,
  • God-fearers,
  • phoboumenos,
  • circumsion,
  • Maimonides,
  • four classes of Jews,
  • kohen,
  • priest,
  • set apart,
  • proselyte,
  • ger sedeq,
  • semiproselyte,
  • Good Samaritan,
  • Classes of Jewry,
  • Jesus,
  • Lk 10,
  • Luke 10,
  • Israelite,
  • Levitie,
  • shalom,
  • wholesome peacefulness
Publication Date
Citation Information
Asher Finkel. "The Other and the Stranger in Biblical and Rabbinic Tradition" SIDIC Vol. 25 Iss. 3 (1992)
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