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A Computer Science Linked-courses Learning Community
Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education (2015)
  • Amber Settle, DePaul University
  • John Lalor, DePaul University
  • Theresa Steinbach, DePaul University
Previous work has shown that factors such as student engagement and involvement can impact progress for computer science majors. One promising approach for improving student engagement is learning communities, which have a long history in academia but are relatively uncommon in computing. In this article we describe a linked-courses learning community for women and men of color majoring in development-focused computing degrees. We provide logistical information about the first offering of the learning community and assess the effectiveness of the community via a student survey. Our results show that students in the learning community are more likely to report that they have support for success in computer science courses and that they are a part of a community of programmers.
Publication Date
June 22, 2015
Publisher Statement
Citation Information
Amber Settle, John Lalor and Theresa Steinbach. "A Computer Science Linked-courses Learning Community" Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education (2015) p. 123 - 128
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