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Informing Students about Academic Integrity in Programming.
ACE 2018: 20th Australasian Computing Education Conference (2018)
  • Simple Simon, University of Newcastle - Australia
  • Judy Sheard, Monash University
  • Michael Morgan, Monash University
  • Andrew Petersen, University of Toronto
  • Amber Settle, DePaul University
  • Jane Sinclair, University of Warwick
In recent years academic integrity has come to be seen as a major concern across the full educational spectrum. The case has been made that in certain ways academic integrity is not the same in computing education as in education more generally, and that as a consequence it is the responsibility of computing educators to explicitly advise their students of the academic integrity requirements of their assessments. As part of a larger project, computing academics around the world were asked a number of questions regarding how they advise their students about academic integrity in programming assessments. Almost all respondents indicated that their students were required to abide by an academic integrity policy, but only about half of them felt that the policy was appropriate for programming assessments. We analyse respondents' descriptions of how they advise students about academic integrity in programming assessments, grouping them into a number of themes, and give excerpts from the guidelines that some respondents provide for their students. A clear finding from the survey is that while most educators agree that externally sourced code or assistance should be acknowledged, fewer than 20% are aware of any standard form for that acknowledgement. We therefore conclude by proposing, for discussion, a standard form for acknowledging externally sourced code or assistance.
  • Computing education,
  • academic integrity,
  • programming education,
  • plagiarism,
  • collusion
Publication Date
January, 2018
DOI 1145/3160489.3160502
Publisher Statement
Citation Information
Simon, Judy Sheard, Michael Morgan, Andrew Petersen, Amber Settle, and Jane Sinclair. 2018. Informing Students about Academic Integrity in Programming. In ACE 2018: 20th Australasian Computing Education Conference, January 30-February 2, 2018, Brisbane, Qld, Australia, Raina Mason and Simon (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages. 1145/3160489.3160502