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The Struggle For Knowledge: The Case of Emergent Oromo Studies
African Studies Review (1996)
  • Asafa Jalata, University of Tennessee - Knoxville

Taking the Oromo as historical actors, the emergent Oromo studies identify some deficiencies of "Ethiopian studies" that primarily focus on the Amhara and Tigray ethnic groups and their rulers, and ignore the history of the Oromo people. Many Ethiopian and Ethiopianist scholars do not recognize the positive cultural achievements of this people.' With their colonization and incorporation into Ethiopia, the Oromo could not develop independent institutions that would allow them to produce and disseminate their historical knowledge freely. Currently, they are fighting for national self-determination: to regain their political freedom and rebuild independent institutions.

  • Oromo Studies; Ethiopian Studies; Knowledge for Domination; the Struggle for Knowledge and Liberation; Ethiopian Colonialism and Racism
Publication Date
September, 1996
Citation Information
Asafa Jalata. "The Struggle For Knowledge: The Case of Emergent Oromo Studies" African Studies Review Vol. 39 Iss. No. 2 (1996)
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