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Innovation Cube: Triggers, Drivers and Enablers for Successful Innovations
International Society for Professional Innovation Management (2005)
  • Arcot Desai Narasimhalu, Singapore Management University

Research on innovation has explained the relationships between institutions of higher learning, companies and the markets from both market driven and resource driven perspectives. However, innovation still remains more of an art than a science. Key researchers have lamented that it is difficult for most companies to scan the market place to identify new innovation opportunities. This paper describes a framework called Innovation Cube that is the building block for helping companies identify new innovation opportunities. This cube is constructed using three attribute-pairs called drivers, triggers and enablers of innovation. The paper discusses examples of the types of innovations represented in each of the four quadrants of the three planes that result from the drivers, triggers and enablers of innovation.

  • Innovation model,
  • framework for innovation,
  • innovation management
Publication Date
June 1, 2005
Citation Information
Arcot Desai Narasimhalu. "Innovation Cube: Triggers, Drivers and Enablers for Successful Innovations" International Society for Professional Innovation Management (2005)
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