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Unpublished Paper
Preparatory Work for the Future Development of Scientific Opinions on Animal Health
Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine Reports
  • Annette M. O'Connor, Iowa State University
  • Rungano Stan Dzikamunhenga, Iowa State University
  • D. Wolfe, University of Guelph
  • Jan M. Sargeant, University of Guelph
  • J. Glanville, York Health Economics Consortium
  • J Wood, York Health Economics Consortium
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Granting or Sponsoring Agency
European Food Safety Authority

This final report summarizes the results of two reviews and a scoping study related to Canine leishmaniosis (CanL). Three objectives were addressed in this project. Objective 1 was to summarize relative sensitivity and specificity estimates of assays used to detect infection in dogs with Leishmania infantum in studies of naïve dogs in areas where Leishmania infantum infection is endemic. Objective 2 was to summarize data available to estimate the prevalence of parasitological cure (failure to detect organism) after a 12-month follow-up period in animals treated with meglumine antimoniate, miltefosine, and allopurinol or combinations of these drugs for canine leishmaniosis. Objective 3 was to assess diagnostic test characteristics of PCR assays and serological assays (ELISA or IFAT) from studies that use experimental models of Canine leishmaniosis. The same comprehensive search was used for all objectives. The searches yielded 7,405 records. After duplicates were removed, 3,865 records remained. Of these, 243 were broadly identified as diagnostic test evaluation studies and at the 2nd level of screening 18 were considered longitudinal studies. The 18 references were then assessed based on the full text and 7 were considered relevant to the review. The assays assessed by these studies were PCR on skin, buffy coat, bone marrow, blood and conjunctiva, and IFAT and ELISA. For objective 2, 40 potentially relevant records were identified as treatment comparison studies. After full-text screening, 13 studies were included in the review. The treatments varied greatly, and few comparative efficacy estimates were provided. No treatment was associated with 100% cure after 180 days follow-up. For objective 3, 513 citations were identified and the full texts of 169 articles were obtained. Sixty-two articles described at least one of the assays requested (PCR, ELISA or IFAT) and 18 articles described the use of a PCR and either ELISA and/or IFAT.


This report is IFSA Supporting Publications (2015): EN-761, 95 pp. Available online: Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
European Food Safety Authority
File Format
Citation Information
Annette M. O'Connor, Rungano Stan Dzikamunhenga, D. Wolfe, Jan M. Sargeant, et al.. "Preparatory Work for the Future Development of Scientific Opinions on Animal Health" (2015)
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