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Are we there yet? Searching for Springfield and The Simpsons’ rhetoric of place
Critical Studies in Media Communication (2005)
  • Andrew Wood, San Jose State University
  • Anne Marie Todd, San Jose State University
The Simpsons’ visual and textual depiction of Springfield as a typical American city provides an insightful critique of the modern project. We demonstrate how America's longest running sitcom depicts urban life as a mutable environment whose disparate locales convey their inhabitants to a ubiquitous, ever-present continuum that we term “omnitopia.” In depicting Springfield as omnitopia, the show offers a cartoon version of public life marked by dislocation, conflation, fragmentation, mutability, mobility, and commodification. The study of these components provides a means to interpret and critique the increasing decline of locales in the urban environment.
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Citation Information
Andrew Wood and Anne Marie Todd. "Are we there yet? Searching for Springfield and The Simpsons’ rhetoric of place" Critical Studies in Media Communication Vol. 22 Iss. 3 (2005)
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